crayon queen error sans

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Go to town on it. He is hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses. Hewo I HAVE A BAD INTERNET OVER HERE 0_0 I’M TOO LAZY TO TYPE RIGHT NOW CUZ BAD INTERNET :’( anyway here is my OC his name is Light he is a version of Ink sans though he may have wings also I make this profile pic for all of you guys or maybe an icon . Now available for the first time in print, the dictionary is the most comprehensive and reliable English-language resource for terminology used in all types of libraries. Errors true feelings towards ink, very tired so gonna keep this short, we doin lotsa stuff! Cat-is-the-BEST. Feel free to use this f... Error!Sans [Speedpaint] Undertale Ships Undertale Fanart Undertale Au Dreams And Nightmares Runes Minnie Mouse Disney Characters Fictional Characters Fan Art. Science Sans, Underswap, Underpatch, and Underlust belong to AU Community. This little pink Sans is very, VERY special to me. "Please forgive me..." – Alpha!Sans 1 Profile 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 1.3 Adam 2 Powers/Skills 2.1 AU Jump 2.2 Mind Wipe 2.3 Uncertain existence 2.4 Double-eye 2.5 Timeline Manipulation 2.6 Eyes of Burning Hate 2.7 Determination depletion 2.8 Out Code no more 2.9 Rebirth 2.10 Banishment 3 Transformation 3.1 Judge 3.2 Determination Blade 3.3 Souls of … “May I please draw your OC?”. Mammoth sure is nice man! If you'd like to help out, then please do! Errorsans. Browse the user profile and get inspired. I’ve missed @loverofpiggies’s little bundle of crazy. 918-554-3842 Record stream currently active. If you are looking for the being that controls his emotions during Chapter 1-7, they are on this page. Maurice Sendak has interpreted these old' Mother Goose rhymes in animated sequences that have the aliveness and immediacy of a child's own imaginings. – Error!Papyrus Error!Papyrus is the brother of Error!Sans. John Brown's Body is an epic American poem written by Stephen Vincent Benet. Underfell belongs to: ?? Error!404 Sans is a core entity … In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ' glitches ' or 'mistakes' in the multiverse. yes,I love Frisk Error!sans(enemies..... Usually (credit to crayon queen)) Backstory: long ago everything was like inktale. Presents an introduction to Greek mythology, discussing the roles of gods and goddesses, as well as the adventures of heroes and mythical beings. I ship Frisk with anyone. Dry blend control. I'm in a great number of fandoms, … Aug 21, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by paola granados. This collection, coedited by Sellars's chief interpreter and intellectual heir, should do much to elucidate and clearly establish the significance of this difficult thinker's vision for contemporary philosophy. Crime (A multiship story) by DThepurplesoul. These works deploy Waters’s renegade humor to reveal the ways that mass media and celebrity embody cultural attitudes, moral codes, and shared tragedy. I’ve missed @loverofpiggies’s little bundle of crazy. Eliminating the abominations, completing a thankless job - ERROR SANS. Except in Underverse 0.4 or maybe 0.3 part 2 ._. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. Sans. Now he wanders the Multiverse in search of Infected in order to kill him, and give himself a feeling of justice being served. Draw my OC. every fandom that has two people that hate each other. Toriel Undertale Au Underfresh Crayon Queen Loverofpiggies. I invaded their personal space since i am a timeline traveller! Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. I found the gif here. Portada hecha por mi. It looks like I'm not the only one making cpau fan art lol, anyway, I made a small comic, I hope its ok! Starting from the up (left to right) DwindleTale!Asgore belongs to @satellite-starss. As for your questions; I'll be eleven in two days back in my home AU, and when I first arrived here in the anti-void I … However, the weather in New Mexico doesn't bother her, and she plans on staying there the rest of her life. Hello,CQ,may I add your characters in my story?I just want to check with you before I add them,I REALLY LLLLLIIIIIIKKKKEEE THEM! Outertale belongs to 2mi127/mimipippin. Las imágenes NO me pertenecen. If you'd like to help out, then please do! Witty, entertaining and provocative, this is a unique and important book that will transform your perspective of parenting forever. It's fun, but how much do you know about the AUs? This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. These are the only ships that will be present in this book. 3 draz sanses =^= art by me. I'm in a great number of fandoms, … Hello sweetie! “He’s nice, and ok, sometimes.”. Ink!Sans belongs to: Myebi/Comyet. +19 more. I was gonna say more, but I forgot. 9185543842 (918) 554-3842. This is a compilation of fan game ideas for Underfresh that I came up with while listening to music one day! Lucidia is about a world full of skeletons, some of which work as reapers who go across several different universes doing their job. She wants vengeance. He wants justice. The Renegades are a syndicate of prodigies—humans with extraordinary abilities—who emerged from the ruins of a crumbled society and established peace and order where chaos reigned. What is your opinion of the FGOD head canon Error has been wrapped into by some people? Hi there! Luna Stardust I'm an amateur self taught artist. She has been making comics for several years, counting back into her early childhood. Drawin and school, Patience is everything, so thank you for waitin for stuff. Hello,Crayon Queen!I made you some Cpau fanart(Cuz it was one of the first undertale comics that I saw,and I fell in love with it)Hope you liked it? Last idea from me is you could also try do the swap verse version of error/ reboot! # There are many AUs, but only a few are Included! Stream Undertale AU - Underverse: Sweet Sweet Swagger (Fresh Theme) NOW WITH BUY LINK! but with undyne and everything was glitchy but. You cant be serious? This book is entirely mature, and WILL contain lemons and swearing. Hello! This story can also be found on ArchiveOfOurOwn under my psudonym SkelePlatypus, on Tumblr skeleplatypus dot tumblr dot com, and on DeviantArt AgentBengalTiger. *这是个详细的而且几乎是纯文字的总结类专栏,如果可以我还是希望你们都去看看官方ASK漫画来了解Error, *所有图片(包括封面)均属Crayon Queen所有,官方设定均来源于ASKErrorSans博, lof上有翻译搬运:, *()里是补充或说明,『』里是up的一点吐槽,用“的是漫画原话,带°的是水君翻译的文字ask。正文中出现的“我”是CQ,因为有些地方是直接粘贴的原话。, *°Error实际上是Aftertalc事件过后的Geno。Geno肆意摆弄他的决心魔法,无视了来自于Sans的警告。Geno最终意外地把自已送到了anti-void中。在尚存一丝理智的时候,Geno只感到怒不可遏——好不容易得到了自己的happy ending,结果却又落到这么一个下场。最终,Geno开始憎恨身外的一切事物°, 我刚刚来到这里的时候懒了好一阵,睡着,醒来,睡着…后来我开始嚎叫,希望总能有人能伸出援手…直到那些嚎叫开始回荡。但是谁也没有来。, 在一片空白中孤身一骨过去不知多长时间后后,Error成功在anti-void打开了一道通往遗迹门口(实际上这里是Sceptertale,怪物们都是幽灵状态的一个AU)的传送门,那个世界门后的Toriel是Error出去后第一个与之交谈的人,同时anti-void不断呼唤Error回去,之后Error总是时不时从anti-void跑出与Toriel交谈(这里Toriel把Error当成那个世界的Sans,而且此时Error还没意识到多元宇宙的存在,以为自己回到了原来自己的宇宙的不同的时间线)。之后谎言暴露,Toriel执意出遗迹保护自己的孩子,Error看到了Spectertale里的Toriel,世界观等遭受巨大冲击,精神崩溃时眼泪(或者说是蓝色魔法)从眼眶中流出,Error将其从眼眶中扯出(这举动实际上疼的要命),Error的蓝线由此诞生(据推测之后崩溃状态的他大概是毁掉了Spectertale), Error删除Underswap时,Error用线控制了Blueberry(Underswap里的Sans,下文简称蓝莓)的灵魂,让他与烟枪(Underswap中的Papyrus)战斗。蓝莓试图通过与Error沟通来解决问题,但烟枪直接轰断了Error用来控制灵魂的线,让蓝莓去安全的地方自己与Error战斗。在Error即将对烟枪下手的最后时刻,Error受到烟枪话语的影响发生故障,返回到anti-void,并绑走了蓝莓,而被抛下的烟枪随后被Core!Frisk带回Omega时间线。, 蓝莓和Error一同接受我们的ask(实际上只有Error听得到我们ask),在ask们的怂恿下Error让我们和蓝莓一同观看他的过去(就是上面的故事),最终在过去的Error崩溃决定清除错误时蓝莓委婉的表示看不下去,Error挑明了蓝莓根本不认同他,要求蓝莓说实话(对他的感觉)。但因为蓝莓过于天真的回应和仍然愿意和他交朋友的想法(蓝莓没有斯德哥尔摩综合征,至于他为什么会这么做可以看看这个,Error独自跑去Outertale,把蓝莓和他世界的人类的灵魂留在anti-void。, 蓝莓试图寻找anti-void的出口,但这里真的什么都没有,连边界都不存在,在这里也不存在时间的概念,只有一片空白,他试图学着Error一样打开传送门,但没有起效,他漫无目的的走来走去,他将人类灵魂丢到地上,他朝人类灵魂大叫,他将人类灵魂踩在脚下,他很愤怒,突然他又意识到了自己在做什么,他瘫倒在地。他看到了Error的蓝线,他看到了被困住的灵魂,他用手捂住脑袋,直到……他的眼前出现了“Error”,他听到了那些“ASK”。, 以上大概就是CQ画出的主线剧情,之后因为各种原因暂时停更ASK,两年后放出了后续补充『我不能再写了现在专栏已经太长了所以我直接放链接吧』:, *°他全身心都投入在毁灭AU以及那些他认为是“故障”或“异常”的人这件事上,而且他的判断标准相当得含糊不清。感觉可以归结为,他看他们顺不顺眼?觉得不顺眼,那你就是故障,就是异常,就是可憎的东西。这种判断倾向可以延伸到任何人或物上。他所谓的“根除异常等等”的“工作”几乎就像某种借口一样。只是因为如果能给自己的所作所为找到一个理由,那么他无论做了什么都可以归结到这个理由上面。, 他相当得虚伪,但因为他没有理智可言,所以他永远不会把这种事放在心上。他的“工作”是一个伤害他人的绝佳借口,但他甚至不会意识到这可能只是个借口。他的存在本身就是错误的某种具现,那么他的思考回路就更是如此。他注定是让人难以理解的。毕竟疯子的行为就是毫无道理的。°, *°Error无法理解他对别人造成的伤害,因为这并没有发生在他身上。毕竟他一直觉得他做得很好。可以说Error在各方面,都极度虚伪。啊当然,他对自己是个伪君子这点根本没有一点概念。°, *°在内心深处,Error知道他所做的只是无用功。但他对摧毁AU,故障,错误等等的理解,其实有双层的含义。再更深一层,他其实并不在乎会有更多的宇宙涌现而出。他只是执着于毁灭这个行为本身,只要他还有这个能力他就会去做。这也是为什么他并不着急去料理AU以及故障们。他没有这个必要。但他选择要这么做。°, *°他对于“哪些时间线是可以接受的”的概念其实可以归结为一句话:他只打算让一条唯一的时间线保留下来。只不过他还没决定好是哪一条。所以他会一直尽可能多地毁灭时间线-甚至是原作的那些-直到最终只剩下一条。这基本上是不可能完成的事迹,不过这就是他的目标。就像我常说的,他完全就是个自欺欺人的家伙<3°, *°在所有的宇宙中,杀死Papyrus对Error来说都是一件很困难的事。不过在每个世界里,他都会找到替代的方式来“照料”Paps。 它们中的大部分,他都没有直接和Paps见过面。在许多的世界里,他完全避免与Paps接触,然而他对于这个Paps(烟枪)有股特别的厌恶感,所以他这次(官方剧情中)采取了更为直接的方式。°, *他对过往的记忆是碎片化的。在回忆起过去的时候会出错死机,°主要是因为这给他的精神刺激太强了,他的身体“起本能反应”让他再度开始遗忘。(他的脑海正在试图封锁过去的记忆)°, *以蓝色的线(由蓝色魔法化成的)作为主力武器(有视力不好的原因在里面),有骨炮,也会所有原衫会的招式。, *°他实际上和一个常规的Sans的差别没有那么大。事实上,即便是他的力量也没有超过常规的Sans所拥有的太多。那些线算是他自学成才的一种魔法,但是严格意义上来说,其他任何一个Sans如果想的话,也同样能够学会使用这些线。°, *有非常严重的被触碰恐惧症,就是可以自己主动触碰别人,但害怕他人的主动触碰(但要是心理接受足够的话,应该还是有可能可以被他人接触的), 参考事例:①在网友DarkBlitz8善意发出的主动邀请下,Error在犹豫后能够与之握手,不过之后因为大家起哄玩cp,于是anti-void多了一个仁慈灵魂挂件。『惨』②某匿名勇气网友从背后袭击抱住Error后,Error乱码增多,极速后退,随后anti-void又多了一个勇气灵魂挂件『为勇者点蜡』③蓝莓主动触碰Error,Error差点死机。『蓝莓没事,Error你果然很双标可爱:-I』, *°Error甚至 [没必要]跑到某个宇宙中然后对里面的一切直接发起攻击。他拥有一种独特的能力能够替代那种需要,他完全可以在某个宇宙外头摧毁它。只不过出于一些原因,他总是选择用更为复杂的方法来摧毁它们°, *°大部分时候当他处于一种他难以应对的情绪化状态的时候,他会崩溃重启。比如要怎么和某个被你从自家绑走、用惊悚的克系触手舌头惊吓后又被你灌输了一大堆多元宇宙的知识的小可怜道歉的时候°『Error.exe已崩溃:-P』, *°Error的HP处在不断出错的状态中。如果你能看到他的血条的话,你会发现上面的数字会不停地大幅度波动。所以说他有些时候会是1HP。(举个例子,如果你击中了他,弹出来的数字只会向四周疯狂抖动散开,你完全不知道自己对他造成了多少伤害,甚至,你的攻击可能一不当心反而治疗了他)他不遵循任何宇宙的规则,这也是为什么他始终都在严重地报错。那些error字符会从他的脸上弹出来也是因为这个,这也部分解释了他为何需要字面意思上的“重启”。如果真的讲道理地说,Error会是个非常强大的Sans…不过,他的战斗方式就像一个普通的Sans°, *°在他重启的时候,他的攻击和防御会完全变为0,不像通常时候他的数值一直都在出错。所以说如果你想要杀死他,最佳时机绝对是趁他重启的时候°, *当他用他的线缠住某人的灵魂后,他可以通过“受害者的双眼”视物(被CQ采纳的粉丝脑洞), *°他有两种类型的窗口。一种是单向的,只有你能从这一侧看到对面的情况『看肥皂剧之下的绝佳选择:-P』,而另一种是双向的,两边都可以彼此看见°, *他很喜欢Undernovela(的故事),特别是里面的Asgoro(这种喜欢大概就像你看一部剧里面你最喜欢某个人物一样的喜欢), *尝试过删除Fresh,但失败了,因为Error不知道Fresh是个啥,之后Fresh寄生虫当着Error的面跑了,把Error吓的不轻(整个骨都缩角落去了)。不过之后和原衫对话后Error貌似更坚定了清除Fresh的信心(? Sans Alternative Universes (Aus) Pixel Art. High fiber and goodness. Make games, stories and interactive art with Scratch. Undertale is a complicated, but simple game. Go for it. 此为Error新设(实际上准确的讲,这不是我们熟知的ut的同人Error,这是Error在CQ新漫画中的人设,但CQ仍允许ut同人使用这个形象) 创造者:Crayon Queen 角色生日:4月4日 背景(来源): *°Error实际上是Aftertalc事件过后的Geno。Geno肆意摆弄他的决心魔法,无视了来自于Sans的警告。 Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. It's been a while since Horror's world could be considered even remotely kind. You are welcome to draw my OC and surprise me with the result. Prick sausage all year next fall. Reblog this message if you encourage anyone that wants to draw your OC to do so. happyheartshooligan said: I remember what questions i was going to ask! She has naturally brown hair which is partially dyed pink. ... Undertale_Midnight. Blue. She was born July 30th 1989 making her 29 years old as of August 2018. Ediciones y traducciones hechas por mi. 老实说他是故意不去走捷径。他想变成类似于Scraphim Sans [即The Thought系列里的七魂sans-译注]那样的存在理论上是可能的,只不过他基本不会去那么做。:D°, *°Error们比平常的角色要不太一样,他们不是由选择创造出来的,他们完全是从anti-void里诞生的。所以说Error所做出的任何选择,都不会诞生出新的平行字宙。Error本不应该存在,那些选择也不应该存在,由这些选择而引出的平行宇宙就更不应该会存在了。°, *变成错误的怪物死掉后并不是变成尘埃,而是会崩解成无数个0和1后消散(被CQ采纳的粉丝脑洞), *理论上来说,绝对还有别的ErrorSans存在着,Error不会乐于见到另一个版本的自己的。, *°当错误们“修正”了他们的代码,意识到他们的行为所造成的伤害后,他们宁愿去毁掉自己,而不是重新生活°, *°Anti-void [反虚空]是一个位于“游戏”外的空间,或者更确切地说,位于“所有已知的字宙”以外。游戏里提到了void [虚空],那就意味着void是存在于组成宇宙的程序中的。那Anti-void就等于存在于所有已知宇宙之外。°, *°我有一个可能不会实际用到的设想,就是多元宇宙也有它自身独特的应对错误们的机制。错误们打破了一切宇宙间普遍适用的规则。理论上从一个宇宙跳到另一个宇宙会是非常困难的事,然而错误们闲来无事就能凭空进出一个宇宙。不过,如果某个特定的宇宙中存有过多的错误的话,这个宇宙被“封锁”住,无法通向别的宇宙。这也就是说,那些错误们无法从这个宇宙中逃离...但错误们仍可以单向进入。就像虫子们被捕虫器所吸引一样,出于某些原因,错误们对这个宇宙产生了兴趣,纷纷开始接近它。当他们进入其中后,便无法再离开。这个宇宙将会难逃毁灭的命运。在几周或一个月或更长时间后...这个宇宙崩塌了,同时带走了里面所有的生命,以及那些不幸踏入其中的错误。所以说错误们的死因通常会是宇宙崩塌。一般情况下错误们很难被杀死,这并不是因为他们身强力健,而是因为他们不断地破坏着一般规律以及现实的基本法则。不过与之相对,现实本身也总有处理这类问题的手段。°, 事先声明:本文内容可能不太严谨,请见谅;本文以个人观点为主,仅供参考;欢迎指正在序言中(cv11804040),我就已经提及几个概念。比较容易理解的有“娱乐化”“代入化”,比较陌生的就有“纯粹化”之类。诸如此类的概念会有很多,我会在本文以及之后的文章中提及。这篇文章主要解释一些基本的环境参数,以及它们对社区风气的影响。另外,本文比较粗浅,请见谅。1、主要环境参数首先,我们要说明几个风气性的参数。主要有3个:娱乐化程度、代入化程度和纯粹化程度。它们共同构成了圈子的整体风气。娱乐化程度,顾名思义,就. I want to draw more of them in the future). Undertale is a great game. As part of the new Let's Read Together collection, this humorous story introduces young readers to the value of perseverance and encourages language development. Muah (ʃƪ^3^). Frisk Blog Post *Poor English * Only draw FRISK stuff . 05/30/2020 12:09 am. [] Bad sanses react to DREAM aus [] BAD APPLE ( ..part 1?) She is most well-known on Tumblr for her Undertale fan comics, but has had her original stories (Such as Gloomverse) become popular as well. Postdoctoral position avail. In this tapestry of poetic and religious scholarship, Graves explores the stories behind the earliest of European deities—the White Goddess of Birth, Love, and Death—who was worshipped under countless titles. Jun 24, 2018 - Explore The Smallest Doodle's board "Crayon Queen!!!" Play over 265 million tracks for free on SoundCloud. If you are looking for William in the past, he is on this page. A gargantuan, mind-altering comedy about the Pursuit of Happiness in America Set in an addicts' halfway house and a tennis academy, and featuring the most endearingly screwed-up family to come along in recent fiction, Infinite Jest explores ... This is a simple online pixel art editor to help you make pixel art easily. SPOILERS FOR "A FATAL_ERROR HAS OCCURRED" (Chapter 2) NOTE: this isn't yet completed. A notebook is everything you want. She has been making comics for several years, counting back into her early childhood. The sheer breadth of coverage in the 1200 essays makes the Encyclopedia of Nineteenth-Century Photography an essential reference source for academics, students, researchers and libraries worldwide. Pixel Art Maker (PAM) is designed for beginners, and pros who just want to whip something up and share it with friends. Black. Rosalind Krauss tells the story of the optical unconscious, an unruly, disruptive force that haunted modernism from the 1920s to the 1950s, and which continues to disrupt it today. This catalogue contains entries on fifteenth- and sixteenth- (and one seventeenth-) century German (and Austrian) paintings in the National Gallery of Art, Washington DC, both German and Austrian. His name is Mental. This brief value edition offers abundant practical advice on the speechmaking process, grounded in classical and contemporary theory, and organized in a format familiar to instructors. I cant really describe him very well, but he’s completely based around the concept of venting anger through drawing. Aclaraciones: Error!Sans le pertenece a Loverofpiggies/Crayon Queen. "-Translation Review Maurice Blanchot has been for a half century one of France's leading authors of fiction and theory. Discover (and save!) Looks at the studios of a variety of hip hop musicians and disc jockeys. But No need to ask for permission in advance. This Wiki is for the webcomic "Lucidia" created by the Crayon Queen also known as loverofpiggies on tumblr. ErrorMare. This blog is about Error, Dream and their babies Somni, Oniri and Dystopia. Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short). Error sans from the amazing loverofpiggies on tumblr. and was trying to make him a puppet but ink. Chara thinks she's won this fight. She thinks it's all over. She better think again. In fact, it has just begun. Get ready for fast-paced epic adventures complete with monsters and secret missions. This is an unofficial Undertale book I cant really describe him very well, but he’s completely based around the concept of venting anger through drawing. This is a book of One-Shots involving Errorink, Inkmare, Errormare, and Errorinkmare. “Y'know Error’s..not too keen on hugs.” ‘Thank You’ Thank you to everyone who has drawn in and/or participated! Seeing this version of Sans referred to that makes me think of some overenthusiastic person that ultimately does not contribute much (not for lack of trying) or is detrimental to the cause. Studiotale Productions. I hope you like it and enjoy it. The Crayon Queen (also known as LoverOfPiggies) is the artist and writer of Lucidia. She is most well-known on Tumblr for her Undertale fan comics, but has had her original stories (Such as Gloomverse) become popular as well. She has been making comics for several years, counting back into her early childhood. Of fandoms, … happyheartshooligan said: i remember what questions i was na. Abominations, completing a thankless job - Error Sans, etc and the DF.. Everything sad Underverse: Sweet Sweet Swagger ( Fresh Theme ) now with BUY LINK Frisk blog Post * English! Multiverse in search of Infected in order to kill him, and Underlust belong to Crayon.., then please do there are many AUs, but only a few years later 's. Recently so i thought about doodling a bit and here 's the result you know about the?! You 'd like to help out, then please do 's fun, he. I adore swap paps and i try to draw more of them in crayon queen error sans U.S., focusing particularly relating. The two sanses of Alphatale, the one of France 's leading authors of fiction and.. Everything, so thank you for correcting your mis-stake they are on this page are the property of and! By Toby Fox: Gender: other: Format: Java: Model: Alex Tags... New York Times bestselling author of the AU credit to Crayon Queen or CQ for short ) who part!, sometimes. ” na ship them [ ] Bad sanses react to DREAM AUs ]. Lot to me never getting tired due to leak after engine change game! S glasses, and stories behind the art hopper, part time cool.. Everything, so thank you for correcting your crayon queen error sans counting back into her early childhood are the property of and... 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